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Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Matras Beach Indonesia , Beach From Paradise

Because of its beauty, the beach is often dubbed the paradise beach. Location beach mat, located in the village of New Light and mileage is approximately 20 km from the city Sungailiat to the north. To reach this beautiful place, visitors do not need to worry because access to the beach for the mat is very easy, because the road is paved. Various types of vehicles can reach this beach, even for those of you who drive vehicle could reach or enter your own private shoreline with easy, besides the local government also provides facilities for visitors such complementary saung area shelters, places of worship and several other supporting facilities.
Beach mat - farts, has the character of white sand and ramps along 5 km from the southern tip to the peninsula in the far north. The background of this beach palm trees and natural streams. Adorning the palm trees along the beach 5 kilometers give the feel of cool for tourists, crystal clear blue waters make us even more stunned by its beauty. On the beach there is also a stream mat formed by itself, make the scenery more beautiful and suitable for those of you who want to let go of tired.

As we discussed earlier, is the specialty of this beach of fine white sand, waving palm trees and natural streams. Sand blends beautifully with the surrounding stones like pearls that lie in sight. The beach is composed of fine white sand, with a length of about 3 km, with a width of 20 to 30 meters, which was based beach-background by palm trees, this is also the clear sea and the beautiful scenery and the natural flow of the river.

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