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Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

All About Beautifully Beach , Hais Beach

Hais beach beauty no doubt, be one of the Indonesian tourist beaches that complement has a charm that is not inferior to the other shore, beach is located in the district of Hais Belang, South Minahasa, North Sulawesi. The positioning is not far from the village molompar or watuliney which is usually used as a major tourist destination by local tourists. Many things can be found on the coast, such as the annual event or a party of the people.

Hais beach can be accessed through the west through the village liwurung. The road was passable winding, so visitors should be careful, the access road to the beach is a bit broken. For a better path, visitors can embark on a journey through the Ratahan, access roads of the area fairly better.

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